Kia-ora --that's hi hello how are you -- welcome to my blog-- The last time I wrote I am ashamed to say was 2009 -- time goes by --- Christmas came and went we had a great time staying with my sister in Auckland between Christmas and early New Year and just rested -- chatted--ate -- drank wine --walked the dogs --my sister has two and I have Blaze -- as you can see the dogs enjoyed their xmas pressies.--- we visited friends who also have dogs --on that day there were 5 and two of them are Briards --they are not small dogs --it was great to see them all socialize and have doggie fun. We drove to Auckland --well I drove as my DH does not see well enough to drive any more-- and back home what a joy most of the roads are to travel on.
Again in March we drove up to Auckland this time for my stepbrothers 50th wedding anniversary and we had a great day catching up with relatives --nephews and their children.Staying again with my sister --- this time we were out most days -- shopping visiting-- shopping -- do you get the idea.

On the sewing front I have made two quilts one is finished the other is ready to be batted up and quilted ---and have been doing a online embroidery class with Sharon Boggin--Sumptuous Surfaces and have I enjoyed this -- I will add some pictures if I remember how shortly.I really need to learn more indepth embroidery stitches! Maybe another class --?? Okay so no pictures of my quilts must remember to take some
The first stitching is a Sea scene -- Kelp --shells-- seagulls and the sun.
Work in progress
Finished scene